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Maritime Cyber Security - CSMS Development - 【Available Till:2025/12/31】

Maritime Cyber Security - CSMS Development - 【Available Till:2025/12/31】

Maritime Cyber Security - CSMS Development - 【Available Till:2025/12/31】

  • E-Learning
  • 初級者向け
  • 中級者向け
  • CSMS構築関係者向け
¥11,000 税込
お買い物を続ける カートへ進む
Target Audience:People involved in building a cybersecurity management system.
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Available for viewing: After payment till 31 December 2025
Payment due: 31 December 2025
Deadline to register viewers: 31 December 2025

Table of contents:
1. Overview of Cyber Security Management System Development
2. NK-CSMS Part 1: Requirements
3. NK-CSMS Part 2: Controls
4. Cyber Security in OCIMF VIQ and TMSA
As ships become "smarter" and the further development of maritime industry is expected, the risks of unauthorized system intrusions, information leaks, and data falsification due to cyber-attacks are increasing accordingly. Under these circumstances, it is recommended to consider the cyber security management system in the safety management system in accordance with the objectives and functional requiremnt of the ISM code.
This course covers the cyber security management system developed by ship management companies, based on the guideline "Cyber Security Management System for Ships" published by ClassNK.
*This course does not address the requirements of IACS UR E26 and E27.

1. The deadline for purchase and video viewing for the E-Learning course is 31 December 2025.

2. Lecture videos will be available for viewing after your payment, and after your registration of the viewers. Please note that you will not be able to access the lecture videos if you have not made payment and registered the viewers by 31 December 2025.

3. The optional comprehension tests can be taken till 31 December 2025.

4. The questionnaire can be answered till 31 January 2026. Please note that completion of the questionnaire is mandatory for the issuance of the certificate of completion. The certificate will not be issued without the answering the questionnaire.

5. Cancellation Policy
Cancellations will be fully refunded only if the contents have not been viewed.
If you wish to cancel after you have started viewing the course, please understand that the full amount will be treated as a cancellation fee and no refund will be issued.

6. Application and Enrollment
-Account registration is required in order to purchase and take the courses.
-After account registration and payment, the lectue videos can be accessed with the account of the person you have registered as viewers on the "My Account" of this site.
-If you would like to register viewers more than one person, please have the representative person register membership on this site first, and then go to the item page of the course of your choice and select the quantity for the number of viewers you would like to register. (The representative person can also be registered as a viewer.)

Please be aware of the above before provceeding with your purchase.